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Designed for Android, Chrome brings you personalized news articles, quick links to your favorite sites, downloads, and Google... Google Search for Android Download Free - 4.0.1 | TechSpot Google App (arm64-v8a + arm-v7a) (nodpi) (Android 5.0+) APK ... Unduh. Tentang Google. Indonesia. Cara yang lebih cerdas untuk menelusuri kapan saja. Google app terus memberikan update tentang berbagai hal yang Anda sukai. Temukan jawaban cepat, jelajahi hal yang Anda minati, dan dapatkan feed berisi update terkait hal yang penting bagi Anda. Semakin sering Anda menggunakan Google app, semakin bagus hasilnya. Download. About Google Translate. English. Translate 108 languages by typing, taking photos, and uploading documents. Translate between almost all languages with high accuracy on Google Translate. • Translate text via camera, photos or conversations instantly. • Translate 59 languages offline. • Log in to sync phrasebook across multiple devices. Dive into the mesmerizing pixel world! 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Using it is as easy as speaking your query into the microphone, selecting a photograph from your phone, or simply entering your query into the search bar. Included among the benefits of Google Search are personalized results based on your location. About this app. arrow_forward. The Google app keeps you in the know about things that matter to you. Find quick answers, explore your interests, and stay up to date with Discover. The more you... Get news, weather and sports updates, and even search hands-free using your voice. The more you use the Google app, the better results you get. Transform the way you search on the go. Ask Google to help you do things: - "What are good restaurants nearby?" - "Where is my package?" - "Remind me to call mom at 5 pm." Google Chrome - Apps on Google Play DESCRIPTION. Tools. Advertisement Remove ads, dark theme, and more with Premium. • Use voice commands while navigating - even when your device has no connection. 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